Ohio and Michigan: two states with a rivalry more legendary than Coke vs. Pepsi, or, more importantly, indica vs. sativa. When it comes to cannabis, Ohioans are paying a premium compared to their Michigan neighbors. The price of an ounce in Michigan is around $89, while in Ohio, it’s a wallet-breaking $250-300. Similarly, edibles in Michigan retail for as low as $4, while Ohioans are paying up to $40 for similar products. Why the discrepancy? Ohio’s limited supply and high demand are driving prices through the roof, and that’s not changing anytime soon.
1. Sticker Shock in Ohio
Ohio just opened its doors to recreational marijuana, but don’t expect a warm welcome from your wallet as Ohio’s supply infrastructure is years behind Michigan, and that delay is driving prices sky-high. In Michigan, an ounce of dried flower costs as little as $89, while Ohioans are paying $250 to $300 for the same product.
Experts predict it will take 2 to 4 years for Ohio to catch up with demand, meaning consumers are stuck with these inflated prices for the foreseeable future. So, if you’re an Ohioan thinking about indulging in legal weed, brace yourself for a bit of sticker shock—at least for now.
2. Michigan’s Price Advantage
Beyond flower, Michigan is running circles around Ohio in edibles pricing as well. A 200-milligram pack of edibles in Michigan can cost between $4 and $8. In contrast, a similar 100-milligram pack in Ohio will set you back $30 to $40. That’s a difference big enough to make you rethink crossing state lines in order to ensure your bud—and your budget—are always in harmony.
3. A State Line Apart, But a World of Difference
If you’re living near the Ohio-Michigan border, a quick road trip can save you significant cash. Dispensaries like Quality Roots Cannabis in Monroe, Michigan, are welcoming Ohio customers with open arms—and lower price tags. The competition in Michigan’s market is fierce, and that’s translating into better deals for consumers. Ohio’s market is still finding its feet, and until the infrastructure catches up, Michigan will remain the cheaper, more attractive option.
4. The Road Trip is Worth It
For Ohio consumers, the drive to Michigan is more than worth it. The price differences are significant, and until Ohio builds a more robust supply chain, it’s a smarter economic decision to hop across the border. With Michigan offering lower prices and a wider selection of products, Ohioans are likely to continue making that road trip to stock up for the foreseeable future.
So, in the great cannabis divide, Michigan reigns supreme. If you’re an Ohioan looking for the best bang for your buck, pack up the car and take a trip north. It’s cheaper, the selection is better, and your wallet will thank you.